Candidates seeking project management roles should have high-quality, polished resumes demonstrating their success and impact as a project manager. Your resume must demonstrate the extent of your skills in strategic thinking, efficiency, stakeholder management, and communication. Check out our Resume guide for more resume advice.
Once you recognize the valuable role the resume plays in your project management career, it helps to see what our guidance looks like in action!
Expert advice
“Start each bullet point with a strong action verb to highlight your accomplishments and responsibilities (versus passive language). Quantify the accomplishments as far as possible. Customize your resume to the job you are applying to. Incorporate relevant keywords from the [job description] into your resume.”
– Ritu A., career expert at edX

Additional resources
A resume is essential in pursuing a career in most industries, especially project management.
Each section of your resume offers an opportunity to make your individual journey count, so it’s often hard to know where to start. Check out our General resume sample to better understand best practices across all industries.
Curious what resumes look like in other industries? Check out these samples: