For data roles in particular, a resume not only provides an opportunity to show employers what you’ve done during your professional experiences, but also brings attention to any extracurricular projects that helped to shape your skillset outside of work. Check out our Resume guide for more resume advice.
Once you recognize the valuable role the resume plays in your data career, it helps to see what our guidance looks like in action!
Expert advice
“Add a Projects section to show additional credibility in your field, especially related to technical skills. If you don’t have experience in the field, this is a great way to show tangible evidence of your knowledge.”
– Deanna P., career expert at edX

Additional resources
A resume is an extremely important component when pursuing a career in most industries, including data.
With each section of your resume offering a unique opportunity to make your journey count, it’s often hard to know where to start. Check out our General resume sample to better understand best practices across all industries.
Curious about what resumes look like in other industries? Check out these samples: